Cooking Purslane (Verdolagas)

PURSLANE (Verdolagas
Purslane or also know in Mexico as Verdolagas was favored by Gandhi, and my grandmother Maria Ochoa, however is actually considered to be a common weed by the FDA. It grows on sidewalks, dirt areas,(my backyard), on top of grass.  However, this very nutritious edible plant is quite popular in Greece, Mexico (Verdolagas) and China. Researchers have found that purslane has the highest amount of omega 3 and  Vitamin A among plants. Purslane is not only a good source of fatty acid, it also offers plenty of minerals, including, zinc, phosphorus, manganese, copper, magnesium and calcium. Fresh, raw stems and leaves and flower buds are all edible can be used in salad, stir-fried, or cooked like spinach, and vegetable juice. Many health foods stores, farmers’ markets & Asian supermarkets carry this healthy green. 

I have sweet memories walking to the little Market with my nana and her stopping and telling me to pull those Verdolagas growing in the middle  of the sidewalk and put them in the basket. I would tell her nana those weeds? She would respond to me "mija(sweetheart), thats gold, thats food you won't go hungry tonight." 
When we return back to her home, my task was to  pick tomatoes , green onions from her garden, wash the Verdolagas while she prepared the following:  fried pieces of pork belly or Chicharrones (Fried pork skins), cilantro, green onions, diced jalapeños, diced garlic, stewed or fresh diced tomatoes and pinto beans fresh from the pot along with salt and pepper. I loved the flavors, textures and hardiness and nana would always serve it in a bowl with a homemade flour tortilla and lots of xoxo. Makes great leftover burritos too!
Buen Provecho!
Quick Recipe: 
Purslane (Verdolagas) Side Dish (Great with Steak or Roasted Chicken)
Rince Purslane well!  Saute' Olive oil, chopped garlic cloves, chopped tomatoes, cumin,  chile flakes, salt, pepper to taste. You can add a little water or chicken broth. Saute' for about 1/2 hour util tender. Happy & Healthy Eating!


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