Get the Best from Your Summer Vegetables

This summer my vegetable garden honored me with a few beets, kaleidoscope carrots and even a few stocks of celery.  I also made a trip to Sacramento, CA where my sister in-law Lisa took me to a wonder Farmers Market located under the freeway. I saw the most beautiful bundles of colorful beets, that I just had to photograph and bring home to cook!

I know, I know BEETS ? YUCK!!! my friends tell me I hate beets. Hate is a pretty strong word even for these beauties. So, I tell my friends "wait till you try them my way." Not boiled like we use to have at the dinner table as children. Also, it's important to mention the wonderful health benefits beets can give us.  Beets contain significant amounts of vitamins A, C, E, K and the B vitamins thiamine, riboflavin, B6, B12, pantothenic acid and folate. Riboflavin and B12 are often deficient in western populations, especially the aged, so eating beets could be a major dietary source for many people. Minerals: Beets are high in the minerals calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, zinc, copper, manganese and selenium.Other Nutrients: Beets also contain many important phytonutrients like carotenoids, flavonoids, betaine and dietary fibre (both of which assist digestion). 

Lets get cooking : Beets can be a little messy on your hands (almost like your finger painting). Thegorgeous water color tint can stain your hands a little, however so worth it. You can use dish gloves, or go natural and peel the beets just like you would a potato and then wash your hands with a little Comet and your hands will not stain. I peeled beets, cut into chunks, and heated up  my grandmothers cast iron skillet with olive oil, salt, pepper, cumin, and beets. Salute for about 20 minutes on medium heat. Just as they are getting tender, I added a splash of chicken stock or any type of liquid will work great (even a little wine), and at the the end sprinkled with fresh copped rosemary (yes also from my garden).  *Also, don't be alarmed when you tinkle the next day and your tinkles look a little red, it's the BEETS.
Healthy & Happy Eating!


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